Boost your clinic revenue without hiring or renting more space

Download the Clinic Income Guide and discover innovative ways to create extra income for your allied health clinic.

  • Your expenses are eating into your profit in a recent expansion?

  • Your team wants a pay rise, but they are not generating more revenue than before...?

  • Growth has stalled.

  • You tried different things to gain momentum, but clinic numbers are fluctuating.

  • Profit margin is <30%?

What You'll Learn With This Free PDF

Secret #1

How to X Without Y So You Can Z

Secret #2

How to X Without Y So You Can Z

Secret #3

How to X Without Y So You Can Z

Hello! I'm Winnie


I have a pure love for entrepreneurship and endless curiosity for growth. As a dance and pelvic health physiotherapist, and a qualified Pilates and Barre instructor, I have been in the industry of health and wellness since I was 16.

I am currently the operating director of 3 allied health clinics in Sydney.  Whilst our path to success was not all glamorous, my business supported me through two maternity leaves, Covid, yearly overseas holidays, and allowed me to create other businesses along the way.  We are currently hitting 7 figures with a healthy profit margin.  

Whether you’re ready to finally launch a health clinic, or you’re ready to scale and amplify your impact, I’m here to help you create the fulfilment, financial freedom & flexibility you deserve.

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